8/27/2016 30 Tips to Stop Being Ordinary and Start Being Extraordinary…Or at Least Above AverageRead NowSelf-improvement is one of those things in life that is similar to taking the stairs; it’s easy to do, but it’s also easy NOT to do. You may think, “eh, it’s only this one time and it’s only one flight of stairs.” But do this long enough over a period of time and those flights of stairs you missed out on start to compound very quickly. The same concept goes for improving your own personal qualities, habits, ethics, and all that other good stuff that makes you YOU. I am by no means some self-improvement expert or professional motivational speaker, though I do have my moments. I also like to take a little bit of pride in the progress I have made in improving my own life using almost every one of these small tips every day. After you read this, take a small audit of your own life and honestly ask yourself if you’re doing everything possible to make yourself a better person? How about doing everything possible to help the people around you? Chances are you’re probably slacking. I know this because I’m slacking, too. We can always do more, but we all have to start somewhere. So stop being ordinary. Stop feeling so mundane and average, and start feeling better about yourself and where you are in your life. Lez go. 1. Watch Less TV. No doubt you’ve heard this one before, and it’s probably the easiest thing to NOT do. How many hours of your life are you wasting away sitting infront of a TV. And don’t tell me you don’t watch any TV because you don’t have cable and only watch Netflix, because that’s kinda the same thing. If you want to watch a show or series, set a number of shows you’re going to watch and move on. Don’t sit mindlessly infront of the screen for hours on end. 2. Remember people’s names when you meet them and repeat them back. Everyone likes to hear the sound of their own name. When you meet somebody for the first time, repeat their name back to them. If you can even remember their name at the end of the conversation, or even at your next encounter, they’ll be pretty flattered and impressed that you cared enough to remember who they were. 3. Eat more vegetables. Again, easy to do, easy not to do. You don’t have to be a full on vegetarian, but be sure to get a couple servings of vegetables in every day. Your digestion and over-all well being will thank you. 4. Drink lots of water. I can tell you right now you’re not drinking enough. Drink more. Now. Go. 5. Stop staying up late dicking around. Stop laying in bed restlessly looking at your phone before you go to bed, or staying up watching Netflix. Set a time when the electronics are off and let your body unwind so you get some quality sleep throughout the night. 6. Brush your teeth more. Having a clean mouth is such a satisfying feeling. Who wants to talk to people and feel good about themselves when you have a mouth that feels gross? Brushing more than just twice a day will help keep your teeth whiter and breath fresher, which is a great confidence booster. So go brush. Now. 7. Read more books. You can never read too much. Fiction, non-fiction, it’s up to you. Just read. And not newspapers or magazines either. Real books 8. Say please and thank you more than anyone you know. A little courtesy and gratitude go a long way. Genuinelly saying ‘thank you’ to others will make them feel a sense of worth. Say please and thank you every chance you get. 9. If you see something beautiful in someone, say it. Everyone has beautiful qualities to them and they often don’t even know it. So if you see something stunning in someone, let them know, whether it’s physical, emotional, or intellectual. A simple compliment can change someone’s day. 10. Eat More Protein-Chances are your protein intake is probably slacking. The American diet has become primarily carbs and fats, which are easy to overeat and calorie dense. Protein like chicken, beef, and fish will do a better job at filling you up and keep you from overeating. Not to mention is beneficial for muscle repair and body maintenance. 11. Lift Weights- There is truly no down side to lifting weights. You’ll increase your strength, add some lean muscle mass, and just feel better about yourself overall. It’s a great way to improve your health and boost your own self confidence in the process. 12. Stop overthinking so much and just take action- Hesitation and procrastination will cripple you. If there’s something you want to do, or better yet, NEED to do, just go ahead and do it. Don’t overthink it because chances are you won’t take action. Pull the trigger. 13. Avoid debt at all costs- The way we all handle money is so misunderstood. Having money is having freedom and control, while having debt is a prison. Do what you can to avoid unnecessary debt at all costs. 14. Stop looking for “hacks” and “quick fixes”- Anything worth doing is going to be challenging and take some time. Period. Fitness, business, relationships. They’re all going to test you and take some time to truly develop. Put the work in, be patient, and trust the process. 15. Ask for forgiveness instead of permission- Asking for permission is weakness. If there’s something you feel needs to be done, take action. If you’re in the wrong, you’ll find out afterward and you can always ask for forgiveness. But you’ll never know if the plan or idea you had if people keep turning you down, so take initiative and do whatever it is you need to do. 16. Smile more- Everyone seems to walk around looking like someone just pissed in their cheerios. Cheer up, smile more, and smile at everyone you meet. In fact, smile even when you answer the phone and you’ll notice how the person at the other end instantly becomes more open to conversing. Smiling’s my favorite. 17. Seek mentors and instructors- Stop taking advice from people you wouldn’t trade places. It’s baffling to see so many people listen to information from bosses, teachers, and parents who never lived up to their own full potentials. Find someone who is somewhere you’d like to be and ask them how they got there, I guarantee they’d be more than happy to share their wisdom and even show you some guidance. 18. Detach yourself from material items- Things are just things. Sure some things you own may have sentimental value, but cherish the memory of them, not the actual items. Clothes you no longer wear, that flashy car you’re paying for but really can’t afford, those random boxes of nick-nacks and doo-dads stashed in your garage. Eliminate some of the unnecessary material items in your life and you’ll find more freedom in your life. 19. Nobody cares how much money you make- Firstly, stop talking about how much money you make. Nobody cares. Secondly, stop thinking people are judging you based on your income or net wealth. If your life is based on chasing money and status, I promise you you’ll never be fulfilled. 20. Seek more life experiences instead of money- Travel more. Spend more time with friends and loved ones. Make life long memories with a handful of important people. This is way more valuable than working your ass off to buy shit you don’t need to impress people you don’t know. 21. Don’t multitask- “If you try to chase 2 rabbits, you’re going to lose them both.” No great work is ever accomplished when multitasked. Sure, shit might get done, but it’s hardly adequate. If you want to complete something great, focus only on that task. Devote a set amount of time to that task and give it the time and attention it deserves. Then move onto the next task. Seriously, multitasking is lowering your quality of work. 22. Learn how to count calories and track macros- Try this for at least 3 weeks. It will change your life for the better. You will learn SO much about food and how the weight loss/weight gain process actually works. If you do one thing on this list, make it this. Please. It will blow your mind. Do this and I’ll never both you again. 23. Wear clothes that FIT- Big fashion secret: you don’t have to drop thousands of dollars on designer labels to look good. What makes clothes look good is HOW THEY FIT. Drop the baggy, oversized pants and shirts and find cloths that compliment your body type. You’ll be surprised how good a $6 dollar t-shirt can make you look if it fits well. 24. Speak up every chance you get- At your weekly work meetings. At city events. At any place where opinions are voiced. Don’t be afraid of looking stupid or scared of being judged. If you have something to say, be sure to say it when you can. 25. Stop snoozing your alarm- When it buzzes, you get up. Period. Those extra 15 minutes of shitty sleep are hindering your performance and wasting your life. Do this for a couple of consecutive days and it will become habit. 26. Take the stairs- If you want to win at life, start by taking the stairs every chance you get. Stop being lazy and hoof it up that single flight of stairs to the next floor. How you do one thing is how you do everything.
27. Put your phone away when meeting new people- People like people who are genuinely interested in what they have to say. If you’re glancing at your phone every 9 seconds when meeting new people, you’re not going to be very well received. Show a little respect and courtesy and keep the phone put away for a few minutes. 28. Cut the negative people out of your life- The haters. The pessimist. The ones who say you can’t do it. These people are everywhere, and yes they can even be family members and loved ones. You don’t need people like this in your life, so make it a point to limit interaction with them if you truly want to do something remarkable. 29. Don’t ever be jealous or envious. EVER- This is the fast route to being bitter, unhappy, depressed, and unsuccessful. Don’t compare yourself or what you have to others. That’s a game you’ll never win. If somebody has something you don’t or you want, be happy for them. 30. Do something nice for someone else daily- Go out of your way just a little bit each day to make someone else's day that much better. The feeling the other person gets from knowing someone else cares is remarkable, and the feeling you get knowing you helped someone else is priceless. Do this as often as possible.
12/26/2019 07:40:49 am
Need more of such for a change
10/16/2020 09:46:40 pm
Very Interesting and it was definitely what I need in a New Start. I’ve fallen in things but I’m ready to clean up.
12/9/2020 05:39:22 am
I love it, I've been loooking for this everywhere well these are the most basic things but this seem to have lost the most basic things in lives. Needed someone to remember how to love yourself <3
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